16 December 2006


Well done to both teams on a good effort.
Every player appeared to do themselves proud.
A hard fought game against Barking resulted in a 24-12 win
The team that played Harlow played valiantly and only lost in the last remaining minutes 10-15. But I am informed that they deserved to win!
Thank you to all the parents that made the effort to get their lads to each game.

14 December 2006

Chelmsford RFC away 12.00 noon kick-off

Well done all the players last week against Thurrock
I cannot remember the exact score, I think it was 46-5.
We need to be at Chelmsford for a 11.00am meet
All available boys are selected.
Club shirts and ties after the game please.
This will be a good test!

20 November 2006

Thurrock RFC at Home Dec. 10th

11.30am meet for 12.30pm Kick-off
Club Shirt and tie after the game please.
All available players are selected.
Please can you notify me asap if a player will be unavailable.
I have been asked what the scores were in the last three games.
We beat Braintree 26-5
We beat Romford about 44-something?
We beat Chingford 27-5
I am sorry, but I have not been keeping the scores
If anyone has the correct scores, please forward them to me. I will then place them here.

07 November 2006

Match Report Burnham On Crouch 5th November 2006

Burnham On Crouch 5 v Brentwood 37
Sunday 5th November 2006

Brentwood got kick off. From the start the ball had equal possession and went from one team to another. After a few minutes into the game Jamie Cowie made a brave run and dodged a few of the opponents but didn’t have enough support to run all the way. A ruck was formed which lead to Ivan getting the ball, he also made an attempt but he had too many players against him so he saw the opportunity to offload to Bobby who the went forth to score the first try of the game after several attempts himself. The conversion was missed.
After the ball was given to them and back to us a couple of times Jamie Cowie took a chance and intercepted the ball. He saved the ball for us and gave it to Andy who did a long upfield run towards the posts. He really made a great attempt, luckily Bobby was once again in the right place to once again score a try! We also got the conversion.
Just a few minutes after the second try of the game Jamie scored a try right under the posts, he made a really good run not to get tackled and stopped.

After the third try we lost the ball a few times and they gained a try although Matthew did make a attempt to move the ball up field by kicking it but this resulted into us missing it and their first try.

Half Time

Burnham kicked off. There were several rucks for both teams to attempt to get the ball but when they tackled someone it seemed that they were more interested in tackling to opposition that actually getting the ball as it was just left laying there. After a few minutes of continues rucks Bobby got hold of the ball and ran towards the posts but for the first time I have seen he was spung around, which is usually what you see happen to the smaller players! As Burnham kicked the ball it bounced off the ground and Adriaan caught it and made pushed towards the try line but Harry had to step in and help out and successfully scored a really good try The conversion was missed.

Harry once again got hold off the ball and ran up the side of the field trying to escape the defending of Burnham who didn’t do that bad considering they were down with quite a few players. Unfortunately they caught up with him so he gave the ball briskly to Bobby who scored yet again another try for us! Andy got the first conversion of the game by us.
Harry was really determined to score again and due to this there was another ruck formed reasonably close to our posts luckily Tom came off the ruck and scored another fantastic try for Brentwood. It was near the end of the game and both teams were fighting hard to get the last try off the game, and thanks to Jamie Insole we did. The conversion was missed again.

11 October 2006

Match Report Maidenhead Festival 8th Oct 2006

Maidenhead Tournament 8th October 2006

Maidenhead B vs. Brentwood

Brentwood won the toss up and Andy kicked off. Within minutes the first scrum took place by Harry. The boys pushed really hard (certainly an improvement from last week) and Bobby got the ball making a run, dodging the players and the first try was scored by Brentwood! Maidenhead got the ball but Jamie intercepted and made a great run up field unfortunately Maidenhead got the ball back and kicked it down field right into Chris’ arms…nice catch! The ball got drove forward with another scrum right by the try line. Bobby picked up the ball and made another run for the try line and of course scored again! We didn’t give them much chance to score because as soon as they got the ball we intercepted and a great try came from Matthew! He was certainly thinking right and was in the right place in the right time!

Maidenhead start kick-off. Ryan intercepts the ball and offloads to Ryan who scores another try for Brentwood. After the good catches and good tries the boys started getting ‘butter fingers’. Luckily not long after that Bobby got his hand on the ball and made a fantastic run up field. Jake offloads to Ryan who scores another try! Andy intercepts the ball again, offloads to Ryan who scores yet again another try! That was a really good set-up by Andy and he was so close to scoring a try! Jamie also scored a try!
This game was a great start to the tournament.
The game was called off due to a neck injury on the other team

Reading Abbey vs. Brentwood

Abbey kicked off. As the game started you could tell that everyone knew that this game wasn’t going to be as easy as the previous one! Ivan did a really good tackle to get the ball, he then offloads to Bobby who makes a run for the try line but unfortunately gets stopped! Bobby gets the ball back and offloads to Ivan who did some fantastic dodging of the other players! No try in the first half.

We kick off and within seconds the scrum goes to us. Bobby picks up the ball from the back and makes a really good run up field pushing people a side with great force. He really did look determined to get to that try line and so he did! It was about time as well! After out try the ball went from one team to another tackle after tackle. Our defending was really at it’s peak as they didn’t get a try.

Maidenhead vs. Brentwood

Before the game even kicked off we knew this was going to be tough game and if we wanted to win the boys would really have to work for it!

We kicked off. There were quite a few penalties from the minute the whistle blew. Bobby intercepted the ball, offloads to Matt who drives it even closer to the try line and passes to Bobby who does the first try of the game! It was their ball and they kicked it right into Ivans arms but they got it right back and scored a try. The ball was then given to us. Cameron did a really good tackle and offloaded to Bobby who dodged all the opposition trying to defended and scored another try for Brentwood.

Just before the whistle blew Bobby did some great talks! Shouting at the boys and trying to keep the aware and focused on the game!

A few minutes into kick off one of the opposition got a yellow card for an unknown reason. They were so close to getting a try but Bobby did a fantastic tackle which really stopped that try! Unfortunately later on they did score a try and Chris got a yellow card! The ref obviously wasn’t taking any nonsense! There were so many opportunities for us to score a try but we kept on giving the ball away but I have to say we were fighting hard for the ball and to stop them from getting another try!

Selby vs. Brentwood (Final)

Selby kicked the game off as soon as the whistle blew they intercepted the ball and scored a try! This really made everyone aware how hard this game was going to be! Harry gets the ball offloads to Chris unfortunately Ivan looses the ball but he made up for it with a excellent tackle to win back the ball! Bobby and Matthew worked together to get the ball up field just in time for Bobby to score a try! Bobby went off and was replaced by Jacob. Just after that they scored another try. Ivan does yet again another great tackle offloads to Andy who gets the ball down field with a really lovely kick! They got the ball again and scored another try.

Andy kicks upfield only for Selby to score another try! They really kept driving the ball which leads to another try for Selby. I think by this time the boys realised they couldn’t win this but they didn’t give up and kept fighting to get that ball back! A throw in us was nicely taken by Jamie and Ollie gave a really nice tackle! Jamie did a really nice run towards the try line but he just didn’t have the support the reach the try line! Unlucky boys! When the final whistle blew you could see the disappointment in their faces! Still they played really well throughout all four games and didn’t once give up! Well done to you all!

By Marlene Maree

02 October 2006

Match Report Medway 1st October 2006

Kick Off: 12:00-1st October
Venue: Brentwood
Opposition: Medway
Final Score: 22-12 to Brentwood

From the minute the team started to warm-up you could tell that everyone knew this wasn’t going to be such an easy game…and it sure wasn’t.

Just before kick off Dave and Ollie walked over and Dave said ‘Oi we are gonna be knackered at the end of this game!’ So that just goes to show that they knew it was going to be a tough game!

The toss up went to Brentwood and within minutes Brentwood got the first scrum with really good team work unfortunately one little mistake made us loose the ball.

Second scrum to Brentwood and Bobby gets the ball but once again is stopped and another scrum but this time to Medway. They get the ball and make a run but Bobby tackles head on! Well Done!

Things were getting tougher as there was a ruck right on our try line. Luckily Bobby gets the ball and moves forward away from the line, he runs almost to the half way line and then offloads to Ryan and to Ivan who drives forward…and of course Bobby scores the first try of the game! Rory unfortunately missed the conversion.

Medway kick up field straight into Harry’s arms, he tries his luck and makes a run forward but gets tackled. Brentwood gets pushed back to the try line again. The boys really did try hard to push the ball back out of the ‘danger zone’ unfortunately as we push back they plant the ball on the try line. They missed the conversion. So the score is equal.

Rory take kick down field but the Medway intercept the ball. Bobby wins back the ball gets tackled but quickly offloads to Ivan. Scrum to other team and they get the ball and quickly pass back down field and yet again score a try! They also got the conversion.

After a penalty to Medway from the 25m line the ball was kicked straight into Chris’ arms who passes to Rory and then to Ivan who misses but continues to kick the ball up field towards the try line. Dominic replaced David due to injury.

The ball is near the try line Jamie intercepts the ball but gets pushed back so he quickly passes to Bobby who runs and scores right in the middle of the posts! Conversion taken by Rory Williams…and taken! Nice work boys.

1/3 Half Time

The ball goes to Medway and they kick up field straight into Wills’ arms who offloads to Alfie. Medway tackles us and we loose the ball. Scrum to Medway and they get the ball, really good work Ivan who intercepts the ball.
Dominic takes the scrum for Brentwood but we lost it again. The opponents were really then pushing hard to the try line but Brentwood did some really good defending. The boys are really fighting for the ball in each scrum but just continue loosing it…after a while we could tell what their weak point of the game was!

Jamie did some really good tackling but Medway drive forward to the try line luckily Rory intercepts and kicks the ball to the half way line which really did save Brentwood! Another scrum is formed and once again we loose it. Jack Hammond has the ball offloads to Rory who drop kicks down.

2/3 Half Time
No try was scored

The ball goes to Brentwood, Andy takes it but it goes to straight to Medway. For a few minutes the ball was just moving from right to left on the half way line, with both teams driving forward. Another scrum by Brentwood and we finally get it, Bobby takes the ball and scores once again right under the posts! Conversion was missed. As Rory kicked the ball aiming for the posts Medway charged forward. From where I was standing it looked like they were a pack of wolves, charging forward in the orange and red kit. I would feel intimidated!

Medway kick down and Jacob Mills gets the ball who passes to Andy who kicks down field. After another scrum to Medway they get the ball but Cameron does a really good tackle.

Scrum to Medway collapsed twice to we got the scrum but we lost it again to Medway. Bobby intercepts the ball and drives forward but gets tackled to he offloads to Ivan who kicks down and the ball goes off on the try line. Scrum goes to Medway but we win it! Jamie gets the ball and scores a try! Well done!
Rory had a really really tough conversion…with the wind blowing against him and from a hard angle so he unfortunately misses. Good attempt though!

End of Game
After the game was finished and all the talks just as the boys were walking to the showers and family member or friend from Medway came up to Ian and said ‘I would like to say that no.8 has a really good spirit and really looks like he is putting his heart into the game’. Well done Bobby!

28 September 2006

Tour 2007

For various reasons the intended tour to Wales as been changed. We are now destined for Brean Sands, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset. There is an organised event which is run by Gullivers sports tours. Their weblink is http://www.gulliversports.co.uk/page.asp?section=00010001001200040004
The dates are now May 4th-7th. The May day bank holiday weekend. The accommadation is at Pontins Brean Sands. Their weblink is http://www.pontins.com/centres/breansands/accomm.php

Sadly, because we are late booking this and we were lucky getting a cancellation space. We need everyone who wishes to go, to place a booking deposit of £25 per person by Tuesday October 3rd. Please make cheques payable to 'Brentwood rugby Club Under 13s' Nigel Steer and Bryn Williams will collect these payments. You must also specify your preferred choice of accommodation layout and banding. We apoligise if this urgent payment causes concern. If any parents do have concerns over paying the deposit so promptly, please let us know. The total cost per person will vary depending how many share what type of accommodation. Although it will be approx. £95-105 per person. The balance is then due the end of February.

These costs quoted do not include coach travel from Brentwood to Burnham-on-Sea. There will be an additional cost for the coach (we will try to keep this to a minimum). All tourists are expected to travel by coach including parents. It will be deemed anti-social if you do not.

There will be a total of twelve U13 teams competeing with two pools of six teams. Three games saturday and two games sunday. Plus a final for 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th.

It should be a great event for them to compete in. The standard of rugby is good. Please try to make the effort for them to go. We hope every player and his parents and siblings will go.

Thank you

26 September 2006

Brentwood vs Woodford RFC 24th September

Match Report: Sunday 24th September
Kick-Off: 12.00
Venue: Brentwood

Brentwood vs. Woodford RFC

Brentwood 29
Woodford 7

The day was surprisingly very warm and as all the boys arrived it didn’t really seem like this Sunday was going to be a big deal. As I stood from the side line watching them warm-up I noticed a slight change in their well…nerves! As the clock was ticking on getting closer and closer to kick-off the boys seemed to get quieter and quieter! Usually they will take a chance with the coaches and have a laugh here and muck around there but not on Sunday.

The tossup went to Woodford and they decided to kick down pitch. The first few minutes weren’t very crucial as the ball didn’t really seemed to move very far as it went from one team to another. Both teams struggled with the scrum a bit…lets just say it was due to nerves (but by the end of the game it got much better)!

After all the team finally drove the ball towards our posts Adriaan took the ball and drove it forward which is where Bobby stepped in…and thanks to his good dodging the first try was scored within 8minutes into the game. Andy got the conversion which got the score up to 7-0 to Brentwood.

There was a really memorably line done by the boys without one mistake and even the dad’s made comments at the side line that it really was a good line! Well done!! Chris took over from the line but unfortunately dropped the ball and kicked it off. Nice work though it would have been a great try! Thanks to such great team work Bobby scored again! Unfortunately Andy the conversion was missed which got the score to 12-0.

After our two tries and a conversion Woodford got their first try and conversion taking the score to 12-7 still to Brentwood.

There were various injuries and replacements…the boys at the side line commented ‘They are taking down our players!’ It did seem like that at the time but I think it was just that few moments that at least two players got injured.


The game was getting tenser now and everyone seemed more interested what was going on the field instead of the side unlike in the beginning of the game. Matthew drove the ball forward and then passed to Bobby who once again got a try for Brentwood with a conversion. This brought the score to 19-7.
Another comments made by the dad’s that the driving was really good and that the boys are working well together.

Before a few minutes where over…when I looked up again Bobby scored yet another try and the conversion was done by Rory.
This brought the score to 24-7 to Brentwood.
The ball was thrown in a few minutes later but Ollie missed the jump but made up for it really well by getting right in the in the tackling.
Jamie got the throw in from Woodford…nice work.
After this the time was practically over and things happened really fast…Cameron did some really good tackling to prevent the opposition from scoring!
The final score was 29-7 to Brentwood and it was a really good game.
It was the first game and it really was a good kick off to the new season!

By Marlene Maree

09 May 2006

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Season 2005/2006 Awards Evening

Well here we are, another season over. Congratulations to all the boys on a great season.

As most of you know we had our Awards Evening on Friday 5th May and the results were as follows:

Players Player of the Year
Bobby Bird

Most Improved Back
Tom Steer

Most Improved Forward
Jack Bird

Best Newcomer Back
Harry Chambers

Best Newcomer Forward
Adrian Maree

Personality of the Year
Will Collie

Best Attendance of the Year
Rory Williams

Best Tourist of the Year
Steve Cowie

I would also like to mention that Richard Grace is stepping down as the Head Coach of the Under 13's, let me take this oppurtunity to thank him once again on behalf of everyone involved in the team for all his input over recent years.

25 April 2006


Congratulations to the boys, runners up in the South Coast Festival of Rugby. The top picture is our boys with the overall winners Cranbrook.

12 April 2006

Congratulations to the Boys for winning the Braintree Festival Last week and congratulations for the rest of the boys who put in a sterling performance for their first time playing together at the Chingford Tournament. Well Done All.

03 April 2006

2006/2007 Fixtures

03/09/2006 Training
10/09/2006 Training
17/09/2006 Training
24/09/2006 Woodford Home
01/10/2006 Medway Home
08/10/2006 Maidenhead Away Tournament
15/10/2006 Westcliff Away Tournament
22/10/2006 Colchester Home
29/10/2006 Training at Brentwood
05/11/2006 Burnham Away
12/11/2005 Barking Home
19/11/2006 Braintree Away
26/11/2006 Romford Home
03/12/2006 Chingford Home
10/12/2006 Thurrock Home
17/12/2006 Chelmsford Away
24/12/2006 Christmas
31/12/2006 New Year
07/01/2007 Harlow Away+Barking Home
14/01/2007 Maldon Away
21/01/2007 Westcliff Home
28/01/2007 Upminster Home
04/02/2007 Blackheath Home
11/02/2007 Basildon Home
18/02/2007 Burham Home
25/02/2007 Training at Brentwood
04/03/2007 Braintree Home
11/03/2007 Rochford Away
18/03/2007 Training at Brentwood
25/03/2007 Essex U13 Festival @ Romford RFC (22 players)
01/04/2007 Basildon Away
08/04/2007 Easter
15/04/2007 Thurrock Away
22/04/2007 South Woodham Home
29/04/2007 Westcliff Away

04/05/2007 Tour (Brean Sands)

14 February 2006

Nick Names

We are looking for suggestions for nick names for the team and coaches, I have a few ideas and I know it has been suggested that Steve and I be Sponge Bob and Square Pants following our recent First Aid course(it has yet to be decided which is which). For me Andy Bird has to be "Boss Hog".

Anyway, what we really want is the boys to put forward their ideas, we can then look through the suggestions and see which one the boy himself prefers. It goes without saying we should be mindfull of the boys feelings and not upset any of them with names too cruel.

Please add any suggestion as a comment to this post, dont forget we need names for all the boys.

Have fun.

Bryn a.k.a. Sponge Bob or Square Pants.