09 May 2006

Season 2005/2006 Awards Evening

Well here we are, another season over. Congratulations to all the boys on a great season.

As most of you know we had our Awards Evening on Friday 5th May and the results were as follows:

Players Player of the Year
Bobby Bird

Most Improved Back
Tom Steer

Most Improved Forward
Jack Bird

Best Newcomer Back
Harry Chambers

Best Newcomer Forward
Adrian Maree

Personality of the Year
Will Collie

Best Attendance of the Year
Rory Williams

Best Tourist of the Year
Steve Cowie

I would also like to mention that Richard Grace is stepping down as the Head Coach of the Under 13's, let me take this oppurtunity to thank him once again on behalf of everyone involved in the team for all his input over recent years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks richard