11 October 2006

Match Report Maidenhead Festival 8th Oct 2006

Maidenhead Tournament 8th October 2006

Maidenhead B vs. Brentwood

Brentwood won the toss up and Andy kicked off. Within minutes the first scrum took place by Harry. The boys pushed really hard (certainly an improvement from last week) and Bobby got the ball making a run, dodging the players and the first try was scored by Brentwood! Maidenhead got the ball but Jamie intercepted and made a great run up field unfortunately Maidenhead got the ball back and kicked it down field right into Chris’ arms…nice catch! The ball got drove forward with another scrum right by the try line. Bobby picked up the ball and made another run for the try line and of course scored again! We didn’t give them much chance to score because as soon as they got the ball we intercepted and a great try came from Matthew! He was certainly thinking right and was in the right place in the right time!

Maidenhead start kick-off. Ryan intercepts the ball and offloads to Ryan who scores another try for Brentwood. After the good catches and good tries the boys started getting ‘butter fingers’. Luckily not long after that Bobby got his hand on the ball and made a fantastic run up field. Jake offloads to Ryan who scores another try! Andy intercepts the ball again, offloads to Ryan who scores yet again another try! That was a really good set-up by Andy and he was so close to scoring a try! Jamie also scored a try!
This game was a great start to the tournament.
The game was called off due to a neck injury on the other team

Reading Abbey vs. Brentwood

Abbey kicked off. As the game started you could tell that everyone knew that this game wasn’t going to be as easy as the previous one! Ivan did a really good tackle to get the ball, he then offloads to Bobby who makes a run for the try line but unfortunately gets stopped! Bobby gets the ball back and offloads to Ivan who did some fantastic dodging of the other players! No try in the first half.

We kick off and within seconds the scrum goes to us. Bobby picks up the ball from the back and makes a really good run up field pushing people a side with great force. He really did look determined to get to that try line and so he did! It was about time as well! After out try the ball went from one team to another tackle after tackle. Our defending was really at it’s peak as they didn’t get a try.

Maidenhead vs. Brentwood

Before the game even kicked off we knew this was going to be tough game and if we wanted to win the boys would really have to work for it!

We kicked off. There were quite a few penalties from the minute the whistle blew. Bobby intercepted the ball, offloads to Matt who drives it even closer to the try line and passes to Bobby who does the first try of the game! It was their ball and they kicked it right into Ivans arms but they got it right back and scored a try. The ball was then given to us. Cameron did a really good tackle and offloaded to Bobby who dodged all the opposition trying to defended and scored another try for Brentwood.

Just before the whistle blew Bobby did some great talks! Shouting at the boys and trying to keep the aware and focused on the game!

A few minutes into kick off one of the opposition got a yellow card for an unknown reason. They were so close to getting a try but Bobby did a fantastic tackle which really stopped that try! Unfortunately later on they did score a try and Chris got a yellow card! The ref obviously wasn’t taking any nonsense! There were so many opportunities for us to score a try but we kept on giving the ball away but I have to say we were fighting hard for the ball and to stop them from getting another try!

Selby vs. Brentwood (Final)

Selby kicked the game off as soon as the whistle blew they intercepted the ball and scored a try! This really made everyone aware how hard this game was going to be! Harry gets the ball offloads to Chris unfortunately Ivan looses the ball but he made up for it with a excellent tackle to win back the ball! Bobby and Matthew worked together to get the ball up field just in time for Bobby to score a try! Bobby went off and was replaced by Jacob. Just after that they scored another try. Ivan does yet again another great tackle offloads to Andy who gets the ball down field with a really lovely kick! They got the ball again and scored another try.

Andy kicks upfield only for Selby to score another try! They really kept driving the ball which leads to another try for Selby. I think by this time the boys realised they couldn’t win this but they didn’t give up and kept fighting to get that ball back! A throw in us was nicely taken by Jamie and Ollie gave a really nice tackle! Jamie did a really nice run towards the try line but he just didn’t have the support the reach the try line! Unlucky boys! When the final whistle blew you could see the disappointment in their faces! Still they played really well throughout all four games and didn’t once give up! Well done to you all!

By Marlene Maree

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