21 January 2007

Upminster at home Sunday 28th Jan

Thanks to all the parents who supported the team both last week at Maldon and this week at Upper Clapton. The excessive score (87-12) is a reflectionon how well the whole of the team are advancing.
When we played Upper Clapton today, the team that played the majority of the match also showed that like the games against Harlow and Maldon they are becoming more confident within themselves and their own ability. Although, I was very disapointed with the handling skills that we witnessed today. I believe we won 27-17. However, some parents told me it was 22-17. But I think you will find we scored five tries. Not that the score is that important. Even though we won, I believe the passing amongst the backs needs a lot more serious work.
Next week against Upminster, we will play the players who have not had much game time the last two weeks. With this in mind, all the other players will be required to do some handling practise. Therefore, I expect to see all players this sunday. Club shirt and tie after the game please. Meet at 10.00am sharpe for an 11.00 kick-off.

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