28 September 2006

Tour 2007

For various reasons the intended tour to Wales as been changed. We are now destined for Brean Sands, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset. There is an organised event which is run by Gullivers sports tours. Their weblink is http://www.gulliversports.co.uk/page.asp?section=00010001001200040004
The dates are now May 4th-7th. The May day bank holiday weekend. The accommadation is at Pontins Brean Sands. Their weblink is http://www.pontins.com/centres/breansands/accomm.php

Sadly, because we are late booking this and we were lucky getting a cancellation space. We need everyone who wishes to go, to place a booking deposit of £25 per person by Tuesday October 3rd. Please make cheques payable to 'Brentwood rugby Club Under 13s' Nigel Steer and Bryn Williams will collect these payments. You must also specify your preferred choice of accommodation layout and banding. We apoligise if this urgent payment causes concern. If any parents do have concerns over paying the deposit so promptly, please let us know. The total cost per person will vary depending how many share what type of accommodation. Although it will be approx. £95-105 per person. The balance is then due the end of February.

These costs quoted do not include coach travel from Brentwood to Burnham-on-Sea. There will be an additional cost for the coach (we will try to keep this to a minimum). All tourists are expected to travel by coach including parents. It will be deemed anti-social if you do not.

There will be a total of twelve U13 teams competeing with two pools of six teams. Three games saturday and two games sunday. Plus a final for 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th.

It should be a great event for them to compete in. The standard of rugby is good. Please try to make the effort for them to go. We hope every player and his parents and siblings will go.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

The man of the house jested that it could be a mother and son tour, so i put it to you could you cope, dear much loved head coach with the demands of mothers and sons.
Could it be fun if it were a mother and son only tour, with excepton of our much loved head coach or would this be too weird for us all and quite disturbing for head coach. Maybe others would think us the stepford wives and head coach quite the ladies man.
This is not a serious suggestion just typing out loud and having fun with the keys.
FATHERS FOR TOURING please do not dress up and be offended by the suggestion, as you all know you would like her out of the house so you can drink at random and scratch yourselves into a stupor
Still only joking, dont cry.
Got to go now the white jacket is waiting for me and it fits so well.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What is this all about? we're only lil kids!!
Chris Smith

Anonymous said...

Sorry folks, the censor has to be aware of younger readers thoughts.